Pepper Spray Course 10/02/2016


With the Current Laws in Massachusetts you do NOT need a Pepper Spray permit to buy pepper spray if you are 18 years old and older. You can even get a pepper spray permit between the ages of 15-18 years of age if you have your guardians consent.

If you have decided that you want to carry pepper spray for personal protection or you have a family member who has, then you need to get trained. There are many things you need to know about pepper spray such as how it effects the body, air ways, eyes and proper deployment of pepper spray. The possible legal ramifications when using pepper spray on someone.

In this 1 1/2 hour class we will go over all of the above and even give you your own canister of pepper spray. (This class is taught by experienced law enforcement personnel)

Cost of the course is $30

This class fills quickly so reserve your seat now.
Call SSD Tactical Training, Inc. at 413-204-0592

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